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Monday 29 September 2014

That Sour, Sour Goodness.

Ok, have you ever had one of those weeks or even months where any attempt to be healthy just goes out of the window? I’m not even talking about just a few pizza’s and a couple of Margarita’s, I’m talking full blow outs, where you look at your bloated belly day after day and wonder what heck happened!

Well, there was a time I went through the exact same cycle. I had good intentions, oh boy, I had plenty of them; thinking I would  mentally ninja kick all temptation out of the way, while dutifully sipping on water and avoiding wheaty goodies. But if there was an office party, family get together, special offer, my resolve would slacken and I’d end up feeling well – kind of blah and guilty.

 I soon figured out that when you’ve been eating badly for a while, going cold turkey is not going to be simple. The best thing to do is ease yourself into healthy eating is by making small adjustments. Even adding one healthy thing to your regime can make a big difference to your health. For me that was warm water and lemons (interchangeable with limes). Have a lookey loo down below for more information.

Twelve Reasons Why to drink warm water and Lemon.

Works on your pH level
An overly acidic body will eventually be a sick body. Don’t be fooled by the citric acid in lemons, the nutrients and minerals are very alkaline in nature, and the Citric acid itself is easily removed from our bodies by elimination processes like perspiration. Lemons, stimulate the formation of calcium carbonate that neutralises strong acids in the body. This is perfect for when you’ve had a heavy meal with proteins and cheese. Experts say lemon can help change the pH balance of blood and can also help in dealing with urinary tract infections.

2) Warm lemon water also stimulates the liver. It liquefies bile while inhibiting excess bile flow.

3) Warm lemon/lime water helps digestion. Atomically it’s very similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices.

4) Lemon/lime water helps with increasing those enzymes.

5) The lemon/lime water helps bowels eliminate naturally and easily.

6) The high potassium levels work with sodium for smooth electrical transmission in the brain and nervous system. Research shows that those suffering from depression, anxiety, fogginess, and forgetfulness often have low potassium blood levels. Potassium is also crucial for heart health.

7) Helps dilute uric acid, which if accumulates it creates arthritic pain or gout.

8) Reduces phlegm in the body.

9) Strengthens immune system. Crucial now that Autumn is drawing in and colds and flus are getting more prevalent.

10) Gives you glowing clear skin! Experts say that vitamin C is great for keeping your skin fresh and youthful, because it encourages the production of collagen. The antioxidants in lemons and limes revive dull skin and keeps it healthy. Warm lemon water removes toxins from the blood stream. Also, if you dilute lemon juice, when applied to blemishes, it can actually help lighten them.

11) Brings down the bloat. Since it assists with liver and digestion, if done regularly it will help towards getting your stomach nice and flat – which is always a bonus!This includes helping with weight loss.

Shhh, here’s a little tip I discovered after a few too many white wine spritzers.

If you want to avoid a hang over after drinking a little bit too much, on the same night drink warm lemon water. Also remember to rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water afterwards to avoid any tooth enamel damage (this goes whenever you drink hot water and lemon). And you should find that the next morning you feel less groggy or better yet you'll wake up feeling great.  

And if you want to sweeten that lemon water, why not add a teaspoon of honey?

So don’t sit on that citrus, put it in some warm water and give your body some pep.  

Remember, it’s your health and its in your hands.

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